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Today, January 18, 2024 I have finally come around to create and deploy this website. This project aims to uncover and expose the dimondite cult led by Sarabaite Pete & Michael, from Fillmore New York.
I had this domain name for perhaps a year but I just didn’t got the time nor motivation to do this. However, now I do, so here I am.
My name is Jorge Clavellina, and I was a dimondite cult member for about 8 years. I have seen many things in my tenure there and I have a lot of stories to tell. I have a ton of emails, screenshots, images, links, and other things to share.
In this website I will go with the pseudonym of Aratoris Clavellina, with Aratoris being a word that describes my first name. Since Jorge means farmer, aratoris is loosely related to it in meaning, since according to wiktionary, it means:
“Someone that ploughs or plows; ploughman or plowman, farmer, husbandman.”
The reason to use this pseudonym is in order to keep my social credit score as clean as possible, while for the ones in the know (my tiny audience of people interested in this tiny-niche topic) they would be able to tell it’s me. Jorge.
Another reason for the delay in producing this website was that I still was meditating on what this cult meant for me. Meaning, how much and why I hated what they did to me and my family. I wasn’t completely sure what to think about the whole ordeal, specially in the initial stages, since I had to double check everything they said to me, and reflect on my own mistakes too, which wasn’t easy to do.
Finally, a lot of technical chores went into me having this website, new emails, new youtube channels, new accounts for different purposes, etc, which delayed me as well.
Anywho, welcome.
I can be directly contacted in this email: